It has officially been a month since I arrived in Boulder. I am realizing that it is going to take a lot more time to settle into a life here.
Classes this week, again, challenging, demanding, exhausting, fun, exciting, energizing, and illuminating. This week's major lesson was in Ensemble. I am coming into a deeper understanding of working in an ensemble in a educational manner. I have been learning how to open up to and support other people's learning processes and how this dynamic informs my education as a potential teacher.
I appreciate encountering everyone's way of struggling with the material, the exercises, and the newness of our lives. Our cohesion as a group, although at a beginning phase, is definitely becoming stronger and allowing us to risk. In our own ways we are struggling with the unknown elements of the training and our attachments to talent, expectation, and form. The approach we are going through isn't rational nor standard. Various experimental elements are being presented to us, and we have to choose to give over to the experiment or remain rigid in our comfort zones.
All of this on top of still trying to find my way here in Boulder. Slowly, I can feel myself letting go of my San Francisco life and routine, and shifting to a new routine and life here. Saturday was Boulder Pride. A cute event. Unfortunately, the weather decided to be rainy and cold. The first day it was actually cold! I sat at the Naropa table with my classmate, Tim, to pass out information. Later that night, there was a dance party at one of the local bars. There are no gay bars in Boulder, so it was nice to have at least one night where the gays could convene. I had a fun time and met two past alumni of my program who live in the area and promised to take me out in Denver.
On Sunday, despite my better judgment to go grocery shopping, I gave into the enticing offer to join two of my classmates on a hike. We went on a great hike that is very close to where I live. Living so close to natural beauty, I have to take advantage of it. Groceries are constant. As we reached the top of the foothill we were climbing, it started to rain, thunder, and lighting. Climbing down the other side was a test in patience and stumbling. I felt more apart of this place than staying on the regular routine of life. It was great to see so many people out hiking and enjoying nature.
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