In small ways I keep getting the message that I need to be here.
One of those small ways landed in my lap last week. His name is Salom. My classmate Tim got Salom from the Humane Society back in September to keep his dog company while Tim was in class all day. It seems his dog had the reverse experience and actually became depressed from the dynamic. Tim put out a notice seeking a new home for Salom. I've wanted a cat for a long time. And here was a chance to get a cat who is 6 years old, litter trained, all shots taken care of, with litter box, and cat food in the package. Salom came over last Wed. for a visit and never left. It just felt right. I had to go with that feeling. He seems to be quite cozy in my cozy apartment. I am enjoying his company and purring. :-)
Two weeks ago we completed our workshop in Moment Work with a showing of our creations. I was in a piece exploring the persona of Frank Schubert, the campaign manager for Yes on Prop. 8 and the Maine initiative. My classmate, Allison, was intrigued by his rhetoric on his blog and other campaign writings, and created a monologue with his go out and vote message on the day of Prop. 8 to the theme of Henry V St. Crispin Day's Speech, she titled it St. Marriage Day. I had found a blue 70's Lacoste dress that was screaming at me to create a dance with it. I created a semi-choreographed/semi-improvised dance to The Cranberries version of the Carpenter's "Close to You." Well, as rehearsals went on, we put the blue dress dance after the St. Marriage Day speech and found a startling juxtaposition. We then continued this connection between Frank Schubert (Allison) and the Boy in the Blue Dress (me) to another speech in which Frank references the lyrics to a Celine Dion song. Well, we couldn't let that go we interspersed segments of the Celine Dion song with the Boy in the Blue Dress dancing. The Boy in the Blue dress became a haunting figure in the imagination of Frank Schubert. I was very proud of this collaboration. It also felt good to explore dance within this program in the way that I like to create - blending dance and theatre together to speak to something larger.
We've had more snow, but nothing as major as the last snow storm. Although, it is colder now, so the snow is not melting as quickly. It is sweetly magical to walk around and see piles of snow with the newly hung Christmas lights around town. Although, my hands are incredibly dry and no matter how much lotion I put on them, they keep cracking.
I also completed my final paper for Pacifica. It feels so good to have the paper complete and, hopefully, with passing grade to complete my M.A. in Mythological Studies. Graduation in Santa Barbara in May. It was definitely hard to go back to the academic paper writing mode after being in an experiential program for the past three months.
Over the past two weeks, we have been doing a Voice intensive with our fabulous teacher, Ethie. She is amazing and the Roy Hart voice technique is taking me to new places in exploration and pitch. On Sunday, I saw Ethie in a two person show about Calamity Jane. Ethie played Calamity and she was great! It was also an interesting show to reflect upon the "Wild West" and to contextualize the history of the environment in which I'm living. What a change in worlds in just 150 years.
I also have been coming in contact with more of the dance scene around here. I took a fun Contemporary Dance class last Saturday, and I'm still staying true to Onye's Afro Modern class. Thankfully everything is right around the corner from me!
I'm enjoying the new unfolding and accepting the gifts of this new experience as they unfold. But, I am looking forward to seeing all my Bay Area friends and my family over the holidays. I will be back in the Bay from Dec. 14th to January 8th. Any hosts in SF will be greatly appreciated-I need to party a little after all this Monkish life here in Boulder.